When the sun goes down, it's a perfect opportunity on the day of your wedding (or engagement photos session) to kick the creativity of your photos up a notch! With the right equipment and lighting, you can achieve the night time photos you've always wanted. Below you'll find several of our past weddings and engagement photos to show you how striking dusk and night photos can be. Hopefully we can give you a few ideas for your own wedding day!
Our approach to weddings is balls to the wall! By that we mean WHATEVER IT TAKES, within the law lol, to get that perfect photo. The day before a wedding we pack up all of our gear, lights, etc to bring with us. Be it a: flashlight, homemade spotlight, strobes, or creative filters for our lenses. We like to pack up our truck with what we jokingly refer to as everything AND the kitchen sink.
For some of the photos it's just a matter of cranking up the ISO on our cameras and using fast lenses. Other times we need to add lighting to our couples, because there's just not enough for what we want to achieve. Ambient lighting can be used creatively as well, ie. street lights, store lights, headlights.
So, if you have any creative ideas or interesting shots in mind for your wedding then we're up for the challenge and would love to hear from you. Have we mentioned how much we love night time photography? :)
Images taken at the Distillery District Christmas Market.
Images taken at The Millcroft Inn & Spa.
Images taken in varying locations around Collingwood, Ontario.
Images taken at Cranberry Village, in Collingwood, Ontario.
Images taken at The Nottawasaga Resort in Alliston, Ontario.
Images taken at Ruthven Park - National Historic Site.
Images taken at Belcroft Estates.
Images taken at Deerhurst Resort, in beautiful Huntsville, Ontario.
Images taken at Albion Hills Conservation Area.
Images taken on private property, near Hanover, Ontario.